Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Guess How Many Jelly Beans and win a free mini-session, one 8x10 and one digital file of your choice.
Post your guess in the March, 2011 giveaway album on facebook. The person to come closest to the amount of jellybeans in the vase without going over, wins the giveaway. In the event of a tie there will be a tie breaker. Refer your friends. For every 5 people that you refer (and post to my KP wall to tell me who referred them) you get one extra guess (15 referrals = 3 extra guesses.

Contest will end at MIDNIGHT on April 5th, 2011.

This prize has no cash value. Winner of mini-session must be willing to travel to Columbia SC to a location of the photographers choice for the session. Session expires 1 year after the contest ends.


Unknown said...

I'm guessing 124 jelly beans in the jar. (Referred by Jennifer Brown). Thanks! Good Luck!